Friday, February 4, 2011

My first official post from China

First of all, a quick shout out to Jennie and Lexie Dopp for so kindly helping me set up my blog. They have given me the motivation to get these experiences written down, and then hopefully published in a book at the end of each year. I have to say I am a bit timid about writing as I am married to an amazing writer and I fear that my posts will pale in comparison to his. Oh well, I will continue anyway.

I have been in china for a month now and during that time Jay has written some amazing emails and I will include those in my posts so all who read can get caught up on the travels of the Larkins. With so many things to see and experience, there are so many subjects to write about. Stay tuned for our experiences during our vacation to Xiamen during the Spring Festival.


  1. How great to see your pictures Monique. I hope you two are savoring all this--what an adventure!
    Gung Hay Fat Choy!,
    Love, Judi

  2. ang told me you guys were there! what an adventure! Thats awesome! keep us postes!

  3. Yeah! You found access to blogger. I'm excited for you. If something changes and you want me to cut and paste your e-mails, I'm happy to do it. Also, there are tons of widgets and gadgets you can add or delete. We just made you a shell, so feel free to change away. Love you so much. Can't wait to hear what you've been up to.


  4. YAY! I am so excited that you have started your blog! We have been loving Jay's(dad's) amazing emails and look forward to your writings as well. And I am so glad you can access my blogs, so you can get an update on us too.

    We miss you guys SO much but glad we can use this and Skype to connect. Ayden is sitting next to me and when he saw your pictures above pop up, he said, "I love grandpa Jay and grandma Mo."

    We love you both!

    -Aly, Drew, and Ayden

  5. I just found your blog and I am so excited to read about your adventures. I would love to be included in Jay's emails. We love China and hope we can come visit before you come back to the states!
